Getting top tier lifestyle shots for our clients is, well, a lifestyle at RingoFire. This past Tuesday, August 25, our video and photography team took to the heart of Downtown Greenville, SC, to shoot new content for our clients A.O. Smith, Kentwool, Odoban, and Serta.Keep an eye out for more content on RingoFire’s social channels as well as on our clients’ channels.
Striving for innovative and original content creation for our clients’ social is just what RingoFire does best. Renting an Airbnb apartment on North Main Street, a team of account managers and photographers/videographers collaborated on ideas to show off clients’ products in a different aspect that is fresh and exciting.
The team also shot for locally-owned Kentwool, a company dedicated to manufacturing high-quality comfortable socks for both men and women. Kentwool socks are designed with Super Fine Merino Wool yarn and combined with other premium natural and high-tech fibers.

“Kentwool socks are plush and a great fit, so we wanted to focus on portraying the benefits of using the socks during exercise,” stated Account Manager, Melissa Hearn. “Kentwool started with the idea of creating a golf sock that would not blister. However, the same concept of socks that are guaranteed not to blister your feet has grown in versatility for multiple types of exercise.”
One idea for showing off products from Odoban, a company dedicated to keeping homes clean and sanitized, came from newcomer and Videographer/Editor Matt Heerschap. The video below was directed and shot by Heerschap on his first shoot with Odoban.
“One of the best parts of working in a creative environment is being able to bounce ideas off of your team to bring an idea into existence,” stated Heerschap. “It’s a ton of fun to take the elements of a brand, break them down, throw an idea out to the team, and work together to make that idea even better.”
Photos and Videos captured from the shoot will be used on the clients’ social pages, social ads, and websites.